
Accessing Keyvault from Windows 11 on-premise machines

Accessing Keyvault from Windows 11 on-premise machines

Padure Sergio
One interesting challenge that a recent request via Discord brought was how to handle secrets for automated/unattended processes on onpremise machines. My initial interest in the Powershell Secret Management module slowly waned as I realized that it’s not really meant for that purpose (though it can be made with a command) so I started wondering if it would be possible to actually have that working through Azure Keyvault in an easy manner.
My Powershell Journey

My Powershell Journey

Padure Sergio
The Road to Automation Tl;dr: CS50 for the logic, Powershell in a Month of Lunches for syntax, Powershell for Sysadmins for Infrastructure, reading a lot of other scripts, writing a lot of scripts yourself.