During the labbing in preparation for the AZ-140 exam next week I hit one particular issue which required the updating of the FsLogix clients on the AVD hosts, but as usual I’m way too lazy to do that manually in 10 minutes, so instead I spent a few hours building a script to do it automatically!
The Road to Automation Tl;dr: CS50 for the logic, Powershell in a Month of Lunches for syntax, Powershell for Sysadmins for Infrastructure, reading a lot of other scripts, writing a lot of scripts yourself.
So, the initial idea of this project was to do what Lansweeper hasn’t done in years and try to modernize the Lansweeper solution by running parts of it in PAAS/SAAS environments.
Aaand, here we go, my first professional blog!
Well, professionally-oriented at least, this is very much work in progress, but at least now it’s up and running as a Minimum Viable Product, which is a good start.