Sending Mail through Graph API if local disk is full by leveraging Azure Arc Managed Identity and Keyvault

Sending Mail through Graph API if local disk is full by leveraging Azure Arc Managed Identity and Keyvault
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This is a request coming from Discord: how to send an email through Graph API if the local disk is full?

Preparing requirements

  1. Create the application and apply the Mail.Send Graph API permissions:
  2. Prepare the Hybrid Join and Key Vault:


Here is the architecture we’re looking at:

The flow is going to be:

  1. The script connects to Azure Powershell using the Managed Identity available through Azure Arc
  2. The script uses Get-AzKeyVaultSecret to pull the Application secret from the key vault
  3. The script sends an API call to request a bearer token to impersonate the Application
  4. The script checks if any of the local disks are full
  5. The script uses the previously-obtained bearer token to send mail through Graph API if a disk is full


First things first, pull the repository locally: Raindrops-dev/RAIN-BlogPostsCode: Companion repo to blog posts (

In my case it’s been done to C:\Temp through Github Desktop:

Open the folder in VsCode and duplicate EmailConfig.json.example to EmailConfig.json:

Fill in the empty brackets with the correct values from the previously created resources:

  • AppID: Application ID of the Mail Sender Application
  • KeyVaultSecretName: The name of the Secret in Key Vault that contains the Application Secret
  • KeyVaultName: The name of the Key Vault
  • EmailSender: The email address from which the email will be sent
  • EmailReceiver: The email address to which the email will be sent
  • TenantID: The ID of your Azure AD tenant

Save the file and exit

Open a Powershell window as admin and go to where the repository has been cloned and run Send-MessageIfDiskFull.ps1:

Et voilà! The script sends the email with the disk whose free disk capacity is less than 10%!

This concludes the 3 part series concerning email sending through Graph API if disk is full.
